04 Jun Turf Toe: A Common Pediatric Foot Problem
If you’re a fan of professional football, you’ve likely heard the term turf toe before. However, did you know that this is a common problem that many people tend to deal with? If you suspect that turf toe is affecting you, our podiatrist in Roslyn, NY is here to help! By scheduling an appointment with our team at Great Neck Family Foot Care, you’ll be taking the first step towards recovery.
What Is Turf Toe?
Turf toe occurs when your big toe’s ligaments are pushed too far outside of their normal range of motion. It can also be referred to as hyperextension of the toe. With issues such as this, the longer you wait to receive care, the more time you will spend dealing with its symptoms. That is why our podiatrist in Roslyn, NY recommends seeking care if you are dealing with any of the below issues:
- Tenderness or sensitivity around the injured toe.
- Swelling around the damaged ligament.
- Limited mobility.
- Increased stiffness in the injured area.
- Inability to bear weight on the toe.
As previously mentioned, turf toe is most commonly caused by bending the affected toe too far back past its range of motion. This is most likely to occur while playing sports or engaging in other forms of physical activity. Activities that are most likely to cause turf toe include:
- Basketball.
- Dancing.
- Football.
- Wrestling.
The treatment options administered by our podiatrist in Roslyn, NY, will vary depending on the extent of your injury. For minor cases of turf toe, a period of rest and the use of over the counter anti-inflammatories may be all that is needed to overcome the issue. For patients dealing with more severe sprains, using a walking boot and or even surgery may be necessary for treatment.
Contact Us
While we hope that you can avoid a painful injury like turf toe, our team is prepared to provide the care you need should an injury strike. By working with our podiatrist in Roslyn, NY, you will be able to recover from any foot condition or injury successfully and with ease! To learn more or to schedule an appointment, be sure to contact the team here at Great Neck Family Foot Care today.
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