Spider Veins/Telangiectasia – How can we treat this condition?

Spider Veins/Telangiectasia – How can we treat this condition?

At Great Neck Family Foot Care, our team is well versed in treating physical ailments of the feet. However, thanks to our new excel V+ laser, we can better treat cosmetic issues as well. Spider veins/telangiectasia are a common problem this new treatment is utilized to correct. To learn more about this condition, consider scheduling an appointment with our team.

What Are Spider Veins/Telangiectasia?

Although not life-threatening by any means, patients dealing with spider veins/telangiectasia should consider seeking out treatment sooner rather than later. This condition occurs when widened blood vessels begin to cause threadlike red lines or patterns on the skin. They often resemble spider webs, which is where spider veins got their name. Those diagnosed with this may also suffer from mild discomfort and itchiness.

What Are The Causes?

Our team understands that the development of spider veins/telangiectasia can cause serious hits to ones self-consciousness. Walking around with a visible issue such as that is the last thing that many people want to do. That is why Dr. Hochstein wants to inform patients about the potential causes of this issue. By helping patients understand what they are, he hopes they can work to avoid their development. The most common causes include:

  • Excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Becoming pregnant.
  • Habitual corticosteroid use.
  • Aging.
  • Activities that weaken circulation.

Treatment With The Excel V+ Laser:

Sometimes, the development of spider veins/telangiectasia cannot be avoided. Fortunately, when this is the case, the excel V+ laser can be used to help you find relief. By using the laser to target the widened blood vessels, the wavelengths administered will seal them off, relieving you of your symptoms. During this process, discomfort levels will be minimal. Once sessions are completed, you’ll find the complexion of your feet has been restored.

Contact Us:

When you notice that spider veins/telangiectasia has developed, don’t wait to seek treatment. This cosmetic issue will be resolved efficiently by working with Dr. Hochstein and our team at Great Neck Family Foot Care. To learn more about how our excel V+ laser will help, be sure to contact us today.

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