Preventing Foot Pain While In Quarantine

Preventing Foot Pain While In Quarantine

For the foreseeable future, millions of New Yorkers will be stuck at home to stay protected from COVID-19. While this quarantine will help flatten the curve, other ailments may trend upward due to the inability to attend regularly scheduled medical appointments. At Great Neck Family Foot Care, we want to assure all of our patients that we have a continued commitment to their podiatric health. To show this, Dr. Hochstein, our podiatry expert, wants to share some ways that you can prevent suffering from foot pain while in quarantine.

Stretching Your Calves

Staying active can seem like a daunting task when being forced to stay in your home. However, it can work wonders for preventing foot pain. Stretching can be done in almost any room of your home and takes minimal time and effort to complete. Having tight calf muscles can put excess stress on the balls of your feet, leading to pain. We recommend performing calf stretches three times a day to mitigate the chances of this happening!

Focus On Your Shoes

Whether it be to go for a quick walk/jog or to restock on groceries, you’re going to need to leave the house at some point. When it is time for this, wearing the right shoes will help keep your feet protected and pain-free. Shoes should always offer proper ankle and arch support. They should also fit snuggly, but not tight enough to the point where circulation is cut off. Choosing shoes with a spacious toe box will help prevent bunions, blisters, and other foot problems.

Alternate Between Sitting And Standing

It’s very easy to spend the majority of your day in one spot of your house during the quarantine.  While you may not think twice about this, spending too much time sitting or standing is a surefire way to ignite foot pain. Making a conscious effort to alternate between sitting and standing will go a long way in preventing issues.     

Easing Your Pain

Even after making copious efforts to protect your feet, our team knows that pain may still strike.  Fortunately, there are ways you can ease your pain from the comfort of your own home. To eliminate the need to leave your house for medical care, we recommend first trying out the following:

  • Alternate between applying ice and heat to the affected area.
  • Keep the problematic foot elevated.
  • Avoid bearing weight until the pain subsides.
  • Take over the counter pain relievers.

Contact Us

Dr. Hochstein and the rest of the team here at Great Neck Family Foot Care will continue to be there to help with any podiatry problems during this difficult time. To do so, we are currently offering Telemedicine appointments so that we can try to meet your needs and provide advice in a way that is safe for everyone. To request a Telemedicine appointment with one of our specialists, be sure to contact us today!

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