How can a podiatrist treat my foot neuroma?

How can a podiatrist treat my foot neuroma?

Have you recently begun to experience pain and discomfort on the balls of your feet? Does it continuously feel like you are always standing on a pebble or the fold of a sock? Answering yes means you could be dealing with a foot neuroma. To take care of this issue, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment with our team here at Great Neck Family Foot Care.  

Symptoms To Watch For

When seeking care for a foot neuroma, patients should seek care when their symptoms have lasted for more than a few days. Additionally, if you have tried changing your footwear or other self-treatment measures, yet the pain continues to worsen, that is a sign professional attention is necessary. Should you find any of the below occurring in your feet, don’t wait to contact us:

  • Feeling like you’re standing on a pebble or the fold of your sock, even when you are barefoot.
  • Tingling and or numbness in the toes.
  • Burning pain starting at the balls of your feet, which radiates to your toes.

Causes And Risk Factors

In most cases, neuromas occur as a result of direct irritation to that area. It can also be the result of excess pressure or suffering from a foot injury. Several risk factors can lead to these issues taking place. These risk factors that we’d like to call out include:

  • Wearing high heels too often.
  • High-impact athletic activities.
  • General foot deformities, such as bunions, hammertoes, high arches, and flat feet.

Treatment Options

Fortunately for patients dealing with foot neuromas, Dr. Hochstein, our expert podiatrist, is well versed in offering treatment for this type of issue. We’ll perform a full evaluation of the area to help determine the extent of the damage, then move forward with the options deemed to be the most beneficial. Potential treatment options include:

  • Steroid injections to reduce pain in the affected area.
  • Nerve decompression surgery to relieve the pressure being placed on the nerves causing pain.
  • In extreme cases, surgery to entirely remove the problematic nerve.
  • Custom orthotic inserts to reduce stress on the foot, or recommending the purchasing of different shoes.

Contact Us

Foot Neuromas don’t need to be a long-lasting foot issue. If you’re ready to take action against them, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at Great Neck Family Foot Care today. 

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