Rupture of the Achilles Tendon - Great Neck Family Foot Care

Achilles Tendon Rupture

You finally decide this is it, no bones about it; you are going to get in shape, starting this weekend. You drag your sneakers out from under your bed and head off to the track for a run. As you’re finishing your second lap, you feel a snap at the back of your heel, accompanied by a stabbing pain. There’s a good chance you just ruptured your Achilles tendon.

What is the Achilles Tendon?

Your Achilles tendon is a band of muscle that runs down the back of the lower leg and connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. The Achilles tendon is also called the “heel cord,” and it helps with walking by assisting in raising your heel off the ground. When the tendon is stretched beyond its capacity, a partial or complete tear can occur.  Jumping or pivoting, or sudden accelerations in running can overstretch the tendon.  An injury to the tendon can also result from tripping or falling. Frequently this injury is seen in people who haven’t exercised in a while and overdo it without proper stretching of the tendon.


At Great Neck Family Foot Care, treatment for a ruptured Achilles tendon can be surgical or non-surgical. Our board certified foot surgeon, Dr. Alec Hochstein, has done countless Achilles tendon rupture surgeries on Nassau county patients. Surgical repair of a ruptured Achilles tendon can result in increased strength and muscle function, as well as a decreased likelihood of the tendon re-rupturing. However, not everyone is a surgical candidate. Non-surgical repair focuses on restricting the motion of the heel by means of a cast, walking boot, or brace. Whether your treatment is surgical or non-surgical, physical therapy will play an important role in getting you back on your feet.

Seek Medical Care

If you believe you have possibly ruptured your Achilles tendon, call our Great Neck office immediately at (516) 482-5999 for an appointment.  Prompt medical attention is necessary to prevent further damage. To minimize pain and discomfort before your appointment, follow the R.I.C.E. regimen: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.