New Year, New You

New Year, New You


Every new year, we have a chance to wipe the slate clean and begin to make better decisions for ourselves. This year, why not start by committing to taking care of your feet. Here at Great Neck Family Foot Care, our staff is here to help with this. To keep this area of the body healthy, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment for a sterile pedicure at our facility.

The Benefits Of Pedicures

Many people view pedicures to relieve stress and spend time with friends outside of the house. However, when done correctly, pedicures come with an array of health benefits for the feet. That is why we highly recommend that the next time you’re thinking about getting one, you consider allowing our team to perform a sterile pedicure. The benefits of making this decision include the below:

  • Improves blood circulation to the extremities.
  • Preventing fungal infections.
  • Eliminating problematic dry skin.
  • Limiting the likelihood of the development of ingrown toenails.
  • Quickly spotting potential foot issues.

Risks Of Non-Sterile Pedicures

It is not difficult for people to wonder why podiatrists offer this type of service. With nail salons being so common, it can seem strange for a medical professional to provide this. However, what people fail to realize is that pedicures can lead to a wide range of foot health problems when not done correctly. Allowing our podiatrist in to administer a sterile pedicure significantly reduces this risk. Some of the most common foot issues that can arise after receiving a non-sterile include:

  • Ingrown toenails.
  • Toenail fungal infections.
  • Dangerous skin infections.  

Working With Great Neck Family Foot Care

As someone who has spent years mastering their craft, Dr. Hochstein, our expert podiatrist, understands the importance of offering sterile pedicures for our patients. He is committed to doing everything possible to keeping your feet healthy, and this service is just one way he can do that. By allowing a medical approach to be taken the next time you need a pedicure, we promise the results will speak for themselves. To get this new year started right, be sure to contact us and schedule an appointment for a sterile pedicure today!

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