How Do You Deal With Shin Splints?

Have you noticed that your shins begin to throb after going for a run or being active? This occurrence is not an uncommon one, as you could be suffering from shin splints. If you’d like to correct this issue, our team at Great Neck Family Foot Care will be able to help. Dr. Hochstein, our expert podiatrist, would like to tell you more about what shin splints are, and what can be done to manage them.

What Are Shin Splints?

A shin splint is a condition that causes copious amounts of pain and discomfort. It typically occurs in those who recently increased the intensity of their workouts or activity levels. Those who are suffering from shin splints experience tenderness, soreness, and pain along the inside of their shine bone. Swelling in the lower leg is also common. In most cases of shin splints, the symptoms will present themselves when you begin to exercise before dissipating when you stop.

Risk Factors

Understanding the risk factors that lead to shin splints is the first step in managing the condition. Being aware of these risk factors can help you work towards avoiding them. Below are some examples of what increases the likelihood of suffering from shin splints:

  • Having flat feet or high arches.
  • Recently starting a new running program.
  • Exercising in shoes that don’t offer arch support.
  • Constantly running on uneven terrain or hard surfaces.
  • Increasing the intensity of your workouts before your body is prepared for this new workload.

Prevention Methods

At Great Neck Family Foot Care, our team wants to stress that the best way to deal with shin splints is to prevent them from taking place altogether. The best ways you can prevent this include:

  • Don’t run at a high intensity too often.
  • Replace your running shoes every 350 to 500 miles.
  • Make sure your shoes offer enough arch support. 
  • Try cross-training so you can stay in shape without overstressing your shins.
  • Perform strength training exercises to stabilize your ankles, legs, hips, and core.

Treating Your Symptoms

Even after you’ve done your part to avoid shin splints, the reality is they can still occur at any time. Fortunately, treating your symptoms is a relatively easy process. The best ways to relieve your symptoms are as followed:

  • Rest your legs.
  • Ice your legs for alternating periods of 20 to 30 minutes for a few hours each day until symptoms are gone.
  • Take anti-inflammatories.
  • Wear custom orthotics that are created by our team.

Contact Us

Living with shin splints can be a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to last. If you need treatment, contact our team today.