Fungal Nail Infections

Summer is a season filled with outdoor activities and walking around in sandals or barefoot. Many podiatrists think of summer as the nail fungus season as well. Although they may not cause a threat to your health, fungal nail infections can be aesthetically unpleasing and a bit embarrassing. Fortunately, this is something that our team at Great Neck Family Foot Care can help remove. Our expert podiatrist, Dr. Hochstein, can help manage and treat the fungal infections to help your nails return to normal healthy levels.

Symptoms To Watch For

As fungal nail infections progress, they become tougher to eliminate. That is why proactively seeking out treatment is so crucial. Our team can set you up with the regimen you need to get your nails back to how they looked before the infections. If you begin to develop any of the below symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to our staff:

  • Visible distortion.
  • Odor coming from an infected nail.
  • Discoloration.
  • Nail becoming brittle or thickened.

The Causes

As previously stated, summer is a time in which many people develop toenail fungus. The reason for that is because the summer season is extremely conducive for fungal nail infections to grow and spread. Nail funguses typically occur when the nails are exposed to warm, moist environments. Coming in contact with these areas greatly increases the chances of your nails getting infected. To avoid this, Dr. Hochstein recommends never going barefoot in the following settings this summer:

  • Poolside.
  • Public locker rooms/showers.
  • The beach.


If you’re unable to avoid fungal nail infections, fear not, as here at Great Neck Family Foot Care, we have the options you need. Each patient and infection is different, meaning what works for some won’t necessarily work for all. That is why there are numerous options our team can utilize for treatment. Below are just a few examples of what may be utilized for you:

  • Laser nail treatment.
  • Topical antifungal creams.
  • Prescription antifungal pills.
  • In severe cases, surgery to remove the infected nail, allowing a healthy one to grow back.

Contact Us

Going throughout the summer with a fungal nail infection can be anxiety-inducing. You shouldn’t have to go through life embarrassed about what your feet look like. To put an end to this, consider reaching out to us here at Great Neck Family Foot Care. Dr. Hochstein would be happy to evaluate your condition and come up with the most effective treatment plan. For more information, please feel free to contact us today.